
Ask and you shall receive.

Is it as simple as Asking? Yes and no.  Yes it is as simple as asking.  You would be amazed at how quickly doors open and opportunities present themselves once you move forward with announcing your desires to yourself, and others.

This conclusion is outlined in several popular books about manifesting such as “The Secret” and “What the Bleep Do I know”.  I jokingly say I am a master at manifesting.  Knowing this, I try to be mindful of my thoughts and “requests.”  I give as much detail as I can.  The need for detail came at the suggestion of a friend.  She manifested the man of her dreams by following all the tools she learned about manifesting.  The man she found had all of her “requirements” and they had a great friendship.   It turns out that he was married and was not interested in a romantic relationship. After that she added and he is available and interested in me.

In addition to providing clear details, I have learned to ask if it is for my highest good.  One of my favorite songs is a country song unanswered prayers.  If it is not for my highest good I ask for the opportunity to be blocked. For example, if I am interviewing for a position I will ask that no offer be made if it is not for my highest good. This way, if I receive an offer, I know it is right for me and it spares me the struggle of wondering if am I making the right decision.

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